Saturday, January 21, 2012

Not a cure

I can say that much.

Apparently since It wasn't able to see me, it brought in the drones. They held me still, while It just kept looking at me. I kept trying to imagine things...see if that might cause a distraction, but nothing happened.

My head hurt more and more. I felt that chill more and more...finally it seemed to just be too much. I passed out. I woke up today in the charred remnants of the house that me and...that Two Face bitch squared off.

Then I saw it...they'd...they'd put a pair of eyeballs on the ground, pointing at me, looking like they were staring at me. I think they were Two Face's. A message scrawled in blood underneath 'WE ARE ALWAYS WATCHING'

I told my parents I just was out with a couple of friends. I think they suspect something is wrong, but trust that I'd tell them if there was something really going on. Probably think I just got shitfaced and crashed on someone's couch.


  1. Gory question, but can you tell me what colour the irises were? They could easily not be Kristen's.

  2. ...I'm trying not to remember.
    Uhhh...I think they were green.
