Monday, April 23, 2012

Hate the economy

O͡f̵ ͞c͘ou҉rs͘e th̶e̵r̛e a̶ŗe n̸o j̶o̶b͜ş to͜ be h̨a̢d͏! Wonde̛r҉f̕u͝l!̕ ͢j҉us͜t ́b͏lo͝o҉d҉y͜ gòd͢da͡m̛n̴e͏d͞ ҉w̸on͠d͢e͠rfuĺ.̨ ̶ B͝een ͜h͜avi͟n͟g̀ fu͠n̸ ͢play͏i̴nǵ S̀ky̷r͞im͞ again̷. ́If͟ ̢n͠o̵t̵h̢in͏g ̨el͘s̷e̛ ̨its͏ ̛a go͡od̴ esca̷pe͡ ̛fro͜m a̵ll͞ ̸th̴i͠s ͘cra̛p.͠ I ͝wish ̀I ̡kn̢e͏w ͏w̸hat̷ ̧el̕se͞ t̷o ҉s̨ay̕, mo̕st̷l͟y ̵just͝ ͝sayi͡ng̶ ͟'̶H̨éý, I̸'m no̵t ͏dead̡ ye͢t.'̕ ҉I̛'͞m҉ ̷tr̕yi̕n͠g t͠o ͞fígur̴e out h̵o͡w̴ I͏ ̨c̵a͜n ̢h́e͜ĺp Àr͘i̕a҉dn͞e.̛ ͡No͡t d̕oi͏n̛g͢ ̡a ̨go҉o̸d҉ job͟ ́o̴f̧ ̧it.͟

Friday, April 6, 2012

Trying to get a job.

Huz̡z͢a͡h for͡ t̵h̡e ͡Am̸er͜ica̵n̢ ́E̡conomy͜!
Gòn̸ńa ͡t̶ry̶ ̵and g͠e҉t̨ ̛a ͠jo͏b s̡o I̸ c̶an͝ ͞hel̴p̷ my̴ f͠àmil͟y͜ ͝o̷ut͏.͠ L̢oơks ͟l͟i̡k̕e I'̕m ͟g̨o̷i͡ng̵ t̢o ͡ha͘v͜e ̴t̴ǫ g͘o ҉r̢e͠t҉àil ̴t̕h̵ơu̶g̢h. Į'm̸ ͝ņot sur҉e͏ ̧whic͟h fąte i͠s w͞orse.

̀Dea̧l̕ín͟g҉ ̛w͢ith̸ ̶th͜e̛ gȩner̕a͢l̡ ̧pu͠bl̀i̶c in ̢r̸eta͝il̷, or ̵being ̴t̷ơrǹ ap̀ar̷t̀ ͝b͏y̡ wh̷at͢ev͘e̵r͟ t͏h͘is is.͡

At͠ ͠l͘e̵a͝s̢t whe̵n̡ I'm͞ in͟ p͘u͟bli͢c ͏I'm gen͞er̵al̷ly͠ lef̴t͡ ̶a̸ĺone, i͏t̶ see̴ms̸.̛ Tha͠t̀'͞d̶ be jus̛t̕ ͘w̴h̸àt͞ Į nee̴d. ̀N̵o͠t ̛o͜n̸l͢y wou͞ĺd ҉I͠ gét҉ ̧f̢i̢red, I'҉d p̀roba̧b̢l͠y look͘ l̛ik͟e̡ ́I wa̡s͝ nuts͟.

I̴'ve͘ be͞e̶n p̡ract̨i͏cin̵g ̸e̡n͟vi̢s͟ion͢in͢g̸ ̛som͘etḩińg͞ i҉n m̢y m̡in̛d̕, I ̡fi̵g̕ure̵ tha̸ţ i̢f ̴I ̸m҉a̕n͡a̧g̵é ͞t̴o̕ ̕g̸e͜t͏ use̶d͟ to ͏i̴t͞, ͝ma̢yb͡e͢ ͝I͠ ͡ca̷n ̛ac͠t͜ưa̴l̶ĺy ̷defe͞nd ́mys҉elf̵ ̸w҉i̧th͞ ̷t͠h̢e s͝a͡me͜ ̸e̡n͢e͞r͟gy҉ ͡I͟ su͟s̨p̵ect̨ ̵ I͏͏̵҉ţ͢  feèd̴s͏ of͝f̀ ͢o͝f.

Wish ͏m҉e luck!͜