Sunday, February 12, 2012

Been a while

Everything seems to be dying down, I dunno why...

I haven't seen 'It' for a while...and I haven't seen anymore of its little minions.

Which frankly is starting to worry me. I'm starting to wonder if I'm just cracking...

Or if they just don't think I'm much of a problem anymore.

I keep dreaming about Stella though....she seems to be getting further and further away....and her face is...corrupted, its the only way to describe it.

My migraines are getting worse though, and I think the paranoia is getting to me. I'm looking paler in the mirror. More gaunt.

Maybe I've just got a bit of the flu.

Probably ǹờth̶̵̛i̕ņģ̷


  1. [please take care of yourself, jedi]

    [make sure to get lots of sleep, dreaming is important! :)]

    [make sure to eat, as well. things like that do not keep it away but they do make life easier to handle]

  2. I'm taking care of myself, don't worry. I wish I could figure out what the message was. What if they send another one and its urgent?

  3. [i am afraid i have no idea what the code is! i thought i had it figured but it seems my hunch resulted in more gibberish :I]

    [codes and doublespeak...they could always just leave a letter with a nice, coherent message in plain english in your letterbox]

    [of course it is not that easy.]

  4. Of course it isn't. For all I know its talking about how feeble I am, and how I am soooo very much doomed and damned.
