Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Still here. Still kicking.

Got some news, for once. Don't think its good news...but its news.

Girl here is undergoing a few weirdass things...

Its happening again....she's in New Zealand...maybe she can find H...maybe H will find her...if Harry is even still alive.

I hope he is...


  1. I would help her but under my current circumstances I am not in a position to help as I am in America, attempting to track down Kristen. On the upside, it appears that you disposed of her before she did too much damage. She was alright for a while, but I think It had damaged her so much she couldn't stay lucid for very long.

    You probably did her a favour.


  2. My god, you're alive. I had hoped but I didn't really...

    The fuck have you been? You just dropped off the face of the fucking earth!

  3. if there's one thing I'm good at, Jedi, it's staying alive. I've managed twenty-eight years of it so far.

    Well, I've been roaming all over the countryside like a madman looking for Two Face, who snapped and hospitalised me in July and then did a runner. I never intended to stay in touch in the first place, either- I have a bad habit of making friends with people who either die, try to kill me, or both.

  4. ....And as for....her. No. The girl who was trying to protect her family was gone...long gone.

    I'd like to think that if there was anything left of her in that...thing...she wanted freedom. Or oblivion. Whatever waits after.

  5. In America then? Where are you exactly? If you want to remain vague, simply say if you're north or south of Tennessee.

  6. I'm in Illinois at the moment, so north.

  7. Right, I'm in Georgia. If you wander down here at some point, we should meet least see each other face to face. Maybe discuss things...maybe make some sort of fucking plan on what to do next.

    At the very least, I can offer a safehouse should it come to that.

  8. Actually, seeing someone I know, albeit distantly and a place to sleep that isn't a park bench or a roof could do me some good. If I am in the vicinity of Georgia I will let you know.

  9. Right...might be nice to talk to someone who can help convince me I am not entirely completely nuts...

  10. Of course this is happening inside your head, but why on earth should that mean it is not real?

  11. ...I....what?
    That just...
    *holds head*
