Sunday, October 2, 2011

Got a line on the 'voodoo' thing.

I left a few messages here and there at supposed voodoo hotspots. Someone mailed me just now, asking why I seek such 'power'.

I replied that it was in regards to a being commonly referred to as the Slender Man.

Haven't received a response yet, I will transcribe it when I do.

Cross your fingers, maybe this will help.


  1. Hey, dude, I think my friend might be in trouble. He hasn't talked about it to me, but he started a blog...and it seems possible something slender is involved. What do you think?

  2. It doesn't look like Slender is involved. More like your friend is just suffering from Night Terrors. I'll observe, but in case things go to hell, I suggest getting him to read the instructions that M provides.
