Wednesday, August 17, 2011


I realized that it was all real. That it was me, not my character, that fell in love with that girl...with Stella Mackenzie. That Two Face bitch murdered her, and came for me too. I haven't heard from Harry...I only pray he's still alive. If not, I'm sorry for all the shit I put him through. No matter how much we butted heads, he never deserved anything like this.

My character....rather, I, spent a few months. Trying to figure out how to bring her'd been done before. It could be done again, I said. the Reintegration Tablet offered advice, but told me that it would not be wise. That there would be a price...Nothing I did seemed to work. I'm still looking now, but I've just about given up hope.

Then that bitch Two Face attacked me. I was walking past the burnt down remnants of a house, nearby my own, creepiest place I've ever seen. I heard a crying sound, figuring someone had been messing around and hurt themselves, I went to check it out. She was there, knife at the ready. I barely recognized her from the description, she was so thin. Like she'd not eaten in ages.

She kept going on and on about how she killed Stella. How it was such an amazing thrill and how she was going to do the same to me, as a favor, so I could be there with Stella in hell. How she'd be so kind and lay me down next to Stella in death.

Bitch didn't expect me to be armed. She was fast with that knife, but she didn't even seem interested in blocking. I smacked her around a bit with the crowbar...I'd be lying if I didn't get a satisfied feeling from hearing a crack when I hit her elbow. Other than a few key points, its pretty much a big blur, I was going on instinct, and what I know of martial arts.

I zigged when I should have zagged, unfortunately, and she managed to slice open my chest. Still a bit sore, and the stitches'll be there for a while. No permanent damage, just a deep cut. This seemed to really set her off, giggling like a lunatic. We went back to the fight, that...incessant giggling. That fucking giggling, she told me how she killed Stella. Used her as decorations, as practice for the others. How Stella screamed for me in the end, and how I couldn't save her.

Sorry...just...give me a minute. this...this is still kind of some fucked up shit, and I'm having trouble getting it all out.

God help me for what I've done.

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